Saturday, January 23, 2016

I am writing  this on my blog because I can print it out for a second use at the Koscuisko County Historical Society Museum. 
At the museum we have a large project depicting schools  in the county along with pictures. It will become a book called "Koscuisko County Indiana Schools 1835 -1965".

Our geneaology library director gave me a list of questions that I will use as an outline for this dissertation.

What schools did you attend?: West Ward stood at west end of Main street where Madison school was and now Gateway . When we moved two blocks from Center Ward school I went there and stayed in that double building through ninth grade.
It was so great that my favorite place, the Warsaw Public Library, was right across the street. I attended high school at the high school  building three years because ninth grade was in the Center Ward location. Warsaw High on Main street is now Retired Tigers. 

I did attend the old grade school at Claypool one day.
Shortly after Dad got remarried we moved to this old farmhouse with a big porch and a dumb waiter. More about that in a later blog post. Anyway,  my brother was 6 so ready to go to school on the bus. I was just barely 5 and envious that he got to go somewhere with a bunch of kids on a bus. Thinking like 5 year olds do ( not thinking it out), I sneeked on to the bus with him. Good thing it was still warm 'cause, I only had on a play dress and shoes. K., my brother seemed ok with it so I just followed him into his class and sat near him. The teacher caught on pretty quickly but she was nice about the situation. They could not call my parents because there was no phone in the old house. I just remember going uptown to get a loaf of bread and lunch meat with K. for lunch. Somehow they worked it out that I would just go home on the bus at the proper time. They probably made it clear that I would not return until next year.


What subjects did you take? Why? Favorite class?:
In addition to the usual reading and math we had classical handwriting classes. Of course it was writing in cursive. Star stickered examples were chosen to hang on the walls out in the hall.
Later favorite classes were American Literature, Speech, Choir and Art. 

Who were your teachers?:
Mrs. Lower was a patient and kind first grade teacher at West Ward. Mrs Mendel made me feel welcome in second grade Center Ward. My very favorite teacher and principal was Mr. Russell Harmon. He was a firm but fair educator. When we were struggling with parts of speech he stopped the progression and made sure that we all "got " what was important. We really benefited from that when we entered Mrs. Braddock's senior  English class. 

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