Sunday, January 24, 2016

Did you participate in extra activities?:
When I was in 2nd or 3rd grade there was a May Fest performed in the armory/ gym next to Center Ward school
our class, along with several other same age classes, was enlisted to learn "The Sailor's Hornpipe", a classic tap number of the day. I don't know where they got all the bell bottom pants. We made the collars , ties and gob hats in art. Anyway we filled most of the gym floor and felt almost Busby Berkeley like. It probably looked great from the high bleacher seats. Toward the end they had an actual Maypole ceremony and I believe Katey Ann Kintzle ( don't remember her maiden name) was crowned  May Queen.
 I would have won the 6th grade spelling bee except that the girl who became our class valdictorian senior year beat me.
In my teens Miss Virol had me sing a solo on a radio broadcast. WRSW had not been in existence that long.
I went to lots of Saturday speech and vocal contests.  Later I was asked to judge speech contests. Ooew those miserable bus rides to other schools.
The real speech prizes in my family went to my sister and my future sister in law years later. They were in the same class, went to state and excelled.

Tell about recess, school yard or games?
All the usual school yard "why am I the last one to be picked?'games were popular. There was dodge ball , Red Rover-Red Rover, shooting hoops was called Horse. I liked to find a cozy corner of the building out of the wind and skip rope or practice yells.
If weather was too bad for outside, the teacher would organize birthday party like games. I would have been happier reading a book. 
In teen years occasionally I would go with friends to Walter's Drug Store , on Center St. a couple doors from Breading's Cigar store, after school for a "nickle coke". There were two other drugstores in town (Dufer's and Knight's) but Walter's was the hang-out.
Sometimes the "crowd " got a little loud. On one afternoon the owner came out from behind the counter and told the bigger kids in the group that it was time we either order more stuff or leave. One of the senior girls was so humiliated that she organized the rest of us (mostly younger kids) into a protest parade that marched around the Courthouse and straight to Knight's drugstore. We had already spent our nickle at Walters so Mr. Knight was not all that pleased to see us either.

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