Saturday, June 4, 2016

Junes I Remember
There are the usual reasons a school age girl would be thrilled when June arrived; end of school ect. For me it was especially happy because I got to stay at my Grandparents farm where I  spent most of my preschool years. 
Dewy Sunday mornings at "Angleton" included visiting the fragrant pink rose bush just off the front porch. I was allowed to pick one or two blossoms to pin to my dress or hair after an inspection by Grandma Grace. Then a clean handkerchief had a nickle tied into the corner for Sunday school offering. These are comforting memories. When my daughter who is mother of school aged kids wonders if she is "getting through"  she should know she has great powers.
One of the biggest events of Junes on the farm was the annual strawberry fest. Picking, baking, and ice cream making is all written about in my June 20, 2011 post.

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