Saturday, June 4, 2016

Aunt Anna Rapp, at 17, wrote about a teenage similar to mine. No tv, no cell phones, no computers, no electric dishwashers (except in resturants). We read, listened to the radio, went to movies, cruised around in cars, went to dances, ect. Here is her recounting of this day on June 4 , 1941. She was out of school working for my uncle Herm (her older brother)as a live in baby sitter:
 Dear Diary. Up at 7:00 Breakfast. Read until David got up. Cleaned up the house. Helped get dinner (they called lunch dinner)Done dishes. (She always used done instead of did.)Listened to radio stories. Mowed the lawn -Liz and I. ( Liz was Herm's really pretty wife). We played catch. Done chores. Got supper. Ate. Stacked dishes.
Heard Fred Allen, Glen Miller,Kay Kiser and other good programs. Played with David . To bed at 9:15.

I was seldom  allowed to stack the supper dishes. The daytime radio was mostly soap opras like "Our gal Sunday" and Stella Dallas.

1 comment:

  1. Love the compare/contrast of your teenage years with Aunt Count's. And the glimpse into what day-to-day life was for a Hoosier teenager back in the day.
