Monday, June 20, 2016

 Summer. It really is summer. Out my front window, across the park,  is a view of the city beach already populated by sun bathers and swimmers at eleven o'clock in the morning. In a few minutes (around 11:30) I will walk out into my herb garden and gather herbs that I can use in my protein shake. The oils in the herbs are at their height at this time and, therefore, they smell and taste better. Because drinking a green shake is not appealing to me but I need more spinach in my diet; I fool myself by using fresh mint. A mint shake is supposed to be green-right? Now it is very yummy!!
Today is a great day for the Anglin family. Uncle Jack is being interviewed by WFYI , an Indianapolis tv station, for their special on Indiana's Bicentennial which will be aired in July. He was a teen when electricity came  to us. He said my grandmother was afraid that the "juice" coming through the wires would drip out so she placed pans at the outlets. I lived there, at Angleton, for a time as a three and four year old. Suppers by coal-oil lamp is one of my treasured memories.

1 comment:

  1. Ha,ha! I hadn't heard the story about Grandma Grace and the "juice" coming out of the outlets. Congrats to Uncle Jack!
