Sunday, June 16, 2019

Days gone by in a blur

What a miserable hunk of time...starting with a wind storm which brought down half of a favored tree onto my little red Grand Am causing it to be totaled. The really miserable part was searching for documentation for insurance and licensing.
The up side is my new Buick Encore, red again, and cleaned and sorted office files.
During that futile search for my former car title I found some journaling labeled "writing list", should have said recap.
1997: After a terrible Spring because Glen went through heart surgery w/complications. We got the go ahead to take a trip to Niagara Falls w/Nick.
1998: Spring break..Glen was awarded a stay at a major resort hotel (4 star) in Hilton Head. Nick went along and we had a great ocen vacation. Then we went on down to Atlanta to see Chris.
1999: Kicked off our presidential and family history tours. Plymouth Plantation for family and Quincy Ma. for John Adams homes.
2000: Spring break..8 presidential sites in Ohio were part of a whirlwind trip with great hotel pools for Nick a highlight.
2001: History trip to  Virginia where we visited 8 more presidential sites.
2002 Mary joined us on our history tour to Lincoln (Springfield Il.), Truman (Independence Mo.) and Eisenhour (Ks.) where we visited aunt Cecily and took her along. 
                    My little red Grand Am


  1. Glad you can see the bright side! Have a wonderful Monday!

  2. What about our trip to Mall of America, Cec’s and to visit Aunt Diana? That was also 1998, because I was pregnant with Sam.
