From the Panama Canal Zone May 25, 1942
to my aunt Anna (his sister).
Dear Ann,
Well doggone it, I finally got around to writing back to you. Been pretty busy last few days because we are short some men in radio right now. One is in the hospital with Malaria and two are doing other work temporarily. Went to see Landfair a couple nights ago (he's the one who has Malaria ); and he was glad to see us. Said he had a 104 degree temperature at one time. Probably be a couple weeks before he gets back.
Tomorrow is your birthday, I believe . Suppose you will be at Herm and Liz's. I'll risk sending it there anyhow. I see you have been seeing some very good shows. We've seen some good ones here too in the last week or so. "Shanghai Gesture", "How green was my valley", and "Captain of the clouds". Tomorrow night is " The lady is willing". I hope you get to see the ones I mentioned and I get to see the ones you enumerated.
Aunt Lydia sent me a ( I hardly know how to describe it) goofy or something (*I think she was viewed as a bit if a scamp) card about Hitler and the Japs. Keep 'em crying was the motto.
I've got to write and thank Grandmother for that candy. Hope your side stays o.k. Anna. Do all you can to keep it that way, won"t you? I sure don't like to hear of any of you being sick.
Got a short letter from the Anglins (Wash and Grace) a few days ago and there was a page from Kaye Donn and one from Janice enclosed.
They have learned to write; told me how old they are. Said they wished they could see me and mentioned Gene. One of them said he is funny. Kaye Don sent me his address. It's 603 W. Winona Ave., Warsaw, Ind. He said he had the mumps and they are not funny Mc Gee. (*a quote from popular radio show where wife, Molly says that alot.) Pretty good for a little fellow, huh?
Are Doyle, Mac and the boys doing o.k? Suppose Doyle is in the same business yet. Hope Herm, Liz and Dave are doing alright now. Maybe they will write me soon or maybe they have already. Glad you like the locket and perfume. I wasn't sure just what you'd like. Would have gotten you something with France Field stamped on it if they had it.
I'd like to see Bud some more, of course, but I think he would dread coming back here by the way he talked before he left. Bet he will make a good pilot.
I don't have any trouble reading your writing.
Did you ever try rinsing your pen out good with water before filling? Seems to help mine and it's not very old either.
About the Os - dosen't a small circle mean a hug or am I daffy?
I can't make such a hot one on paper- out of practice no doubt. You know what I mean tho, don't you? Or don't you? Maybe I don't 'splain it so good as Andy does to Amos. (*another reference to a popular radio show "Amos and Andy", of that era.)
Well, 'nuff of this stuff for once. Write when you can.
Lots of love , Mine sister,
Wayne (on left) home on leave with his brother Herm